Archie's Seabreeze
Archie's Seabreeze
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem
Closing times may vary
depending upon weather and business.
Sunday Thru Thursday Noon-8pm
Friday & Saturday Noon-9pm

Archie's doors have been open for over 70 years!
Archie's has that Key West, whimsical old Florida
vibe that makes you feel right at home.
Thousands of people escape to Archie's where
"Island Time" is our way of life.
We are the go to spot on South Hutchinson Island
for the most comfortable atmosphere,
the friendliest staff and the tastiest food and drink!
We are known for our Burgers, Seafood, Wings, and Salads.
Try one of our homemade soups, crab cakes,or our coconut shrimp!
Our patrons come by golf cart, bicycle, Harley, car or scooter!
You will love the people
watching , our scavenger hunt, corn hole,or our famous ring games.
Everyone is invited to enjoy
no shoes, no shirt, no problem!
Legend has it...

In 1947 Archie’s was established as a one room military shack that served beer to male soldiers on South Beach.
Archie's Seabreeze has had several owners named "Archie" the first was Archie Hitchins and then the next was Archie Summerlin.
Around 1990 while spending time on the island, Patty McGee fell in love. She fell in love with the laid back atmosphere of South Beach but, she also fell in love with Archie's.
She offered to lease the kitchen for $125 a week. At the time, the kitchen had one refrigerator, one griddle and no fryers. Patty would take the order and then go in back and cook it. There were about 30 seats for customers. Archie's now boasts over 300 seats.
In 1950 when Patty was a young girl, her family was traveling down to Florida from Kentucky. Exhausted and hungry, they stopped to eat at a restaurant. The barefooted family made their way to the front door. There was a sign that read “ No shoes, No shirt, No service”. Everyone made their way back to the car to get their shoes on. Unfortunately, Patty was the only kid who couldn’t find her shoes and had to wait in the car. Everyone else was able to go inside. Patty sat alone in the car that night eating her dinner from a to-go container. That is the moment in time that changed everything! That was the moment that today’s Archie’s was born!Patty imagined a place where everyone was welcomed, whether they had their shoes or their shirt on, they would be able to be served- no problem! No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem was an expression that Patty coined.(even before Kenny Chesney)

Patty has worked for the past 27 years to grow Archie's into the Fort Pierce icon that it is today.
Over the past 7 years Patty has partnered with Suzy Nash , to continue the wonderful tradition of Food, Family, Music & Fun.
Suzy hails from Amherst New York. She is a Nashville recording artist with several CDs and Music Videos. When she is not touring or recording in Nashville, you may find her singing on the Archie's stage!
Check out Suzy's touring schedule here.