Archie's Seabreeze
Archie's Seabreeze
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem
Closing times may vary
depending upon weather and business.
Sunday Thru Thursday Noon-8pm
Friday & Saturday Noon-9pm
Welcome to the team!
We value each and every person that works at Archie’s. We are a group of hard working, restaurant professionals that take our positions seriously. We want our team members to feel appreciated and know that the job that they do matters.
We support each other and ask that each person be responsible for his or her own behavior. We ask that you treat each and every co-worker and customer in a way that promotes: Warmth, Inclusion and Professionalism.
We hope that you have found your new work home at Archie’s. We encourage you to learn as much as you can about the restaurant and your position. Ask questions and try to assist your team every day in providing the best experience for our customers.
We are glad you are here.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to speak to your direct manager or myself.
Suzanne Quitt
General Manager
Archie’s Seabreeze

Patty & Suzy